



I'd like to connect to the Blackberry Push Service using .NET, but the available SDK is in Java and does not include source code for the server components. I could not find a clear document anywhere describing the communications protocol used by the push service. Any help is appreciated. I did see this post, which provides a few clues, but doesn't cover things like result notification messages and responses as alluded to in the developer guide. The guide is woefully thin on details.

UPDATE: I found a specification document on the Open Mobile Alliance site for Push Access Protocol. The code samples I have seen so far for the Blackberry Push Service seem to jibe with this spec. Can anyone confirm that this is indeed the protocol used by Blackberry, or are there other proprietary details that I need to be aware of?


I'm trying to figure out the same thing right now, I agree, it is as vague and abstract as it gets.

I asked this question...

Besides the links in the above question, here are some things I've come across that help, please share anything you find.

My next step is to try to get the sample tomcat app running and just watch the http traffic.

I'm thinking about creating an open source project, want to help contribute?

Jayrdub- I had found many of these same resources while googling around. When I searched for "Push Access Protocol Specification" I ran across this document on the Open Mobile Alliance site, which could be the golden ticket, assuming Blackberry is following the standard and has not added anything proprietary on top of it: It seems to jibe with the code in the other samples you linked to.