I have a problem about counting the length of a string. I always get some number like 2432, thou I pass a string like "abc".
I think the problem is in this line
mov bl, byte [esi]
but I would not know why. Maybe it is something with character length in bits?
Could the problem be a 64bit operating system or dual core processor? (which I somehow doubt, because I think the first line "bits 32" should solve the problem).
PS.: This is an exercise, that is why I need to determine the length of the string like this.
The code:
bits 32
extern _printf
extern _scanf
global _main
section .data
number_frmt db 10,"%d",10,0
enter_str db "Enter some string: ", 10,0
string_frmt db "%s", 0
section .bss
entered_string resb 100
section .text
push dword enter_str
call _printf
add esp, 4
push dword entered_string
push dword string_frmt
call _scanf
add esp, 4 ;leave the entered string in the stack
call count ; count it and put the result to eax
push dword eax
push dword number_frmt
call _printf
add esp, 12
push esi ;save it
push ebx ;save it
mov eax, 0 ;init eax=0
mov esi, [esp+12] ;put the entered string to esi
mov bl, byte [esi] ;get the first char
inc eax ;eax++
add esi,1 ;point to next char
cmp bl,10 ;is it new line?
jne .loop ;if not loop
dec eax ;eax-- (because of newline at the end)
pop ebx ;retrieve ebx
pop esi ;retrieve esi