



The code snippet below works fine, but having a little trouble with the wait.until() line.

wait.until(new ElementPresent(By.xpath("//a[@title='Go to Google Home']")));

It works but I want to send my PageFactory WebElement homePageLink instead.

How do I change my ElementPresent class to except both:

wait.until(new ElementPresent(By.xpath("//a[@title='Go to Google Home']"))); and wait.until(new ElementPresent(homePageLink));

Or is there better way? These new fangled selenium 2 features have got my head in a bit of a spin and I can't find much documentation.


public class GoogleResultsPage extends TestBase {

@FindBy(xpath = "//a[@title='Go to Google Home']")
private WebElement homePageLink;

public GoogleResultsPage() {  
    wait.until(new ElementPresent(By.xpath("//a[@title='Go to Google Home']")));
    assertThat(driver.getTitle(), containsString("Google Search"));


public class ElementPresent implements ExpectedCondition {

  private final By locator;

  public ElementPresent(By locator) {
      this.locator = locator;

  public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
      return driver.findElement(locator);


+2  A: 

I use PageFactory with AjaxElementLocatorFactory - PageFactory is a support class for the Selenium 2 Page Objects pattern which you are using, and the AjaxElementLocatorFactory is the factory for the element locators. In your case the constructor will looks like:

public GoogleResultsPage() { 
    PageFactory.initElements(new AjaxElementLocatorFactory(driver, 15), this);

This code will wait maximum of 15 seconds until the elements specified by annotations will appear on the page, in your case the homePageLink which will be located by xpath. You will not need to use ElementPresent class.
