I'm using the scoped_search
gem for basic search functionality on my site. Scoped search: http://github.com/wvanbergen/scoped_search
I'm using the most basic possible implementation of this gem. I'm searching on the name attribute in a user model only. On the frontend, in users/index, the search input is a text_field_tag.
<% form_tag users_path, :method => :get do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :value => 'Search' %>
<%= submit_tag "Go", :name => nil %>
In the user model, I have:
scoped_search :on => :name
I want to implement basic auto-complete functionality on the user model, name attribute. This would be the most basic use case if I was searching in a form element of the user model, but the scoped_search
part is throwing me off.
I was planning to use DHH's auto_complete plugin, but I'm open to using whatever tool helps me accomplish this. Auto-complete: http://github.com/rails/auto_complete