When you create a new FullCalendar event, you could include any additional properties along with the event. FullCalendar will ignore any extra properties, so you will have to write some script to add and display them.
For example, adding an event location or description would be done as follows:
var event = {
id : '123',
title : 'New Event',
url : 'http://thearena.com/',
start : "Sun, 18 Jul 2010 13:00:00 EST",
end : "Sun, 18 Jul 2010 17:00:00 EST",
allDay : false,
location : 'The Arena',
description : 'Big Event',
editable : true
$('.fc').fullCalendar( 'renderEvent', event, true ) // Add Event to fullCalendar
// Add script here to post the event back to your server
Then make sure when you initialize the calendar script, you have some way to display this extra event information. Here is an example with the event click function showing the data in an alert window (or a facebox lightbox - commented out). And if a url exists it will open that in a new tab/window as well.
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
var event = 'Event: ' + calEvent.title + '<br>' +
'Location: ' + calEvent.location + '<br>' +
'Start time: ' + calEvent.start + '<br>' +
'End time: ' + calEvent.end + '<br>' +
'Description: ' + calEvent.description;
// jQuery.facebox(event); // this would open the HTML in a facebox popup window
if (calEvent.url) {
return false;