Rather than the demos can you suggest any open source projects using castle activerecord for code study?
Thanks, this is quite useful
2008-12-01 05:18:51
Do any of these show a use of complex queries or optimized updates? They all seem like simple projects.
2009-11-27 21:19:41
Wish they were hosted somewhere else than google code. Because google does not allow me to access them. Just because I'm from Iran.
2010-07-12 09:37:20
@afsharm: can you use a proxy, to simulate a different location?
Mauricio Scheffer
2010-07-12 12:44:16
@Mauricio: I used Tor but didn't succeed. Such tools are really confusing.
2010-07-13 04:34:25
@afsharm: the Vidalia bundle has everything you need. You can ask any questions about Tor on superuser: http://superuser.com/questions/tagged/tor
Mauricio Scheffer
2010-07-13 19:17:53
@afsharm: this might also help you: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/dear-nigerians-help-us-help-you
Mauricio Scheffer
2010-07-13 19:36:53