Dear skilled. I’m developing an entity which allows user to copy multiple files in async manner with cancellation ability (and reporting progress as well). Obviously the process of copying runs in another thread, different from thread where CopyAsync was called.
My first implementation uses FileStream.BeginRead/BeginWrite with a buffer and reporting progress against number of usages of that buffer.
Later, for education purposes, I was trying to implement the same stuff thru Win32 CopyFileEx function. Eventually, I’ve stumbled upon the following thing: this function takes a pointer to bool value which is treated as cancellation indicator. According to MSDN this value is to be examined multiple times by Win32 during copying operation. When user sets this value to “false” the copying operation is cancelled.
The real problem for me is how to create a boolean value, pass it to Win32 and to make this value accessible for external user to give him an ability to cancel the copying operation. Obviously the user will call CancelAsync(object taskId), so my question is about how to get access to that boolean value in another thread fro my CancelAsync implementation.
My first attempt was to use Dictionary where key is an identifier of async operation and value points to allocated for boolean value memory slot. When user calls “CancelAsync(object taskId)” method, my class retrieves a pointer to that allocated memory from dictionary and writes “1” there.
Yesterday I’ve developed another solution which is based on creating a bool local variable in my method of copying and holding the address of that value in dictionary until copying operation completes. This approach could be described in the following lines of code (very simple and rough, just to illustrate an idea):
class Program
// dictionary for storing operaitons identifiers
public Dictionary<string, IntPtr> dict = new Dictionary<string,IntPtr>();
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
p.StartTheThread(); // start the copying operation, in my
// implementation it will be a thread pool thread
ManualResetEvent mre;
public void StartTheThread()
Thread t = new Thread(ThreadTask);
mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
GC.Collect(); // just to ensure that such solution works :)
unsafe // cancel the copying operation
IntPtr ptr = dict["one"];
bool* boolPtr = (bool*)ptr; // obtaining a reference
// to local variable in another thread
(*boolPtr) = false;
public void ThreadTask(object state)
// In this thread Win32 call to CopyFileEx will be
bool var = true;
dict["one"] = (IntPtr)(&var); // fill a dictionary
// with cancellation identifier
// Actually Win32 CopyFileEx call will be here
Console.WriteLine("Dict:{0}", dict["one"]);
Console.WriteLine("Var:{0}", var);
Actually I’m a bit new to P/Invoke and all unsafe stuff so hesitating about latter approach for holding a reference to local value in dictionary and exposing this value to another thread.
Any other thoughts on how to expose that pointer to boolean in order to support cancellation of copying operation?