I am trying to say "the download of the git repository will only work if the directory yank/ exists. If the directory yank/ does not exist then make it"
yank/gist.el/gist.el : yank
cd yank ; git clone http://github.com/defunkt/gist.el.git
mkdir yank
I am using makepp - http://makepp.sf.net and am getting the error:
[metaperl@andLinux ~/edan/pkg/gist.el] makepp
makepp: Loading makefile `/home/metaperl/edan/pkg/gist.el/Makeppfile'
makepp: Entering directory `/home/metaperl/edan/pkg/gist.el'
mkdir yank
mkdir: cannot create directory `yank': File exists
makepp: error: Failed to build target `/home/metaperl/edan/pkg/gist.el/yank' [1]
makepp: 0 files updated, 0 phony targets built and 1 target failed
[metaperl@andLinux ~/edan/pkg/gist.el]
But why would it try to make the yank directory if it exists? The "source" has already ben created...