



I have an issue where I have a div that is positioned absoutely and I want to animate it off the page upwards (I'm animating a person jumping off the screen).

However, I need the element to be bottom: 0, but when I want the animation to finish I want the image to have top: -600px.

When I write

    top: "-600px"
}, 2000, 'easeInBack' );   

it sets top top to 0 and then starts the animation.

Perhaps there is a way to get the ypos of the element and set top with jQuery.css() on window load?

What should I do here?


Here is an example with your code :

looks to work as expected to me. maybe something else is interfering ..

Gaby doesn't seem to be working for me. By the way I'm using Chrome but it shouldn't matter.
+2  A: 

How about just animating the bottom property? You could get the height of the document, then add 600 to it.

var height = $(document).height();

    bottom: height + 600
}, 2000, 'easeInBack' ); ​

Otherwise, you run into browser specific issues where the top is calculated to be auto, and the animation tries to start from that position (which ends up being 0, I guess).

To make that work you would have to get the top position of #jumper and set the top property to that value manually before you animate.

var top = $('#jumper').offset().top;

$("#jumper").css({top:top, bottom:'auto'})
    top: -600
}, 2000, 'easeInBack' ); 

EDIT: The second example required bottom to be set to auto as well.

patrick dw