




PLEASE REOPEN: I was looking for examples of development projects or specific situations where a C# developer would need VB. Not to start a C# Vs VB debate. Please allow others to respond.

What (if any) are the reasons for a C# developer to learn VB?

Perhaps for Excel/Macros..... or.......?

I'm sure there are many C# developers that know VB but those that I spoke to all learned VB FIRST.

+1  A: 

Probably similar to the reasons for a C# developer to learn cooking.

Borderline starvation and nobody around to cook for them?
+2  A: 

If client demands and you have no other option.

this. __curious_geek
+1  A: 

The only reason to do so is if you need to work with VB code. If you have a choice, stay with C#.

@Noldorin: combining assemblies doesn't relieve you from tons of existing code...
Henk Holterman
+2  A: 

In my case, I had to learn enough so that I could do all the coding for the VB developer as they'd just moved from VB 6 so they could integrate with my system.

He didn't want to learn C#. Sadly I ended up writing it all and he got promoted. So lesson learned!

+2  A: 

The C# developer has to reverse engineer an old VB application with little or no documentation :-(

+18  A: 
  1. So that you can read VB code on the blogs.
  2. Because you are designing a new language and you don't want people to hate it.
  3. Answer Stackoverflow questions to get reputation because Jon Skeet will leave VB alone.
  4. For fun, adventure.
  5. Your girlfriend threatens to leave you if you don't learn it.
  6. You already know all the other languages.
I read VB code via Reflector ;P
@leppie good idea!
4. Is an urban legend since developers don't have girlfriends (except their Amiga)
I should have said VB.NET, cant edit anymore :(
Yeah, I agree with cyberzed on that one..... :(( ....saying from my bitter experience........ :((
Night Shade
+2  A: 

You may need to learn VB to support legacy application. You see, most of the times companies hire developers to support their existing applications rather than building a new one, because they think it will be a loss to develop an entire new application. So companies that use VB based application will certainly look for VB developers. Once someone told me that only 50% of the time developers have to build an application from scratch, other times they will have to work on an application which is already there, but now clients need some extra features in it.

So to support legacy system a developer may need to learn VB, at least this is my best guess :)

Night Shade
+5  A: 

Same reasons as the other way around - Reasons for a VB Developer to learn C#.

Main reason I can think of...

To increase employability - lots of job adverts I see say they want a VB.Net developer with understanding of C# as a desirable. And vice versa.

+1  A: 


  • VB has prettier Handles.
  • it's easier to set object properties With VB.
  • in some Cases you may want to write less code.