+1  A: 
var firstOffer = loaded.Element("offers").Element("offer");
var name = firstOffer.Element("seller").Element("citizen").Element("name").Value;
var id = firstOffer.Element("seller").Element("citizen").Element("id").Value;
var amount = firstOffer.Element("amount").Value;
var exchangeRate = firstOffer.Element("exchange-rate").Value;
Darin Dimitrov
I forgot to mention that the citizen tag may varying in the xml. It is citizen or company. That's why I used the Descendants method. But if you can show me a better way, to handle this. I would appreciate it.Btw. the code, you recently send, with my little change (var name = firstOffer.Descendants("name").First().Value;) gives error in runtime.NullreferenceException in the first row. So I deleted the: .Element("offers") part, then the error points to the row with the Descendants method.I hope I am understandeble:S
I made a mistake loading the xml file, that's why it didn't work. The right code below.
XElement xml = XElement.Load(xmlAddress);
var first = xml.Element("offer");
var name = first.Descendants("name").First().Value;
var amount = first.Element("amount").Value;
var exchangeRate = first.Element("exchange-rate").Value;