I have a SharePoint site with about 7 InfoPath form templates on it. Clients create new forms from that template and save it onto the site. They then create a workflow for other users to approve.
I started noticing some of Forms were not loading correctly, and no one would approve them. I was able to narrow it down to a single issue in the infopath .xml.
The href parameter in the xml should say something like: (replacing URL with [SharePoint URL] for client privacy)
href="http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn"
but instead it says:
href="http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn?SaveLocation=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Forms/&Source=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%2520Forms/Forms/MyItems.aspx&OpenIn=PreferClient&NoRedirect=true&XsnLocation=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn"
I was able to narrow this down to a single user on a single machine. If he moves to another machine it stops doing it, and if another user goes to his machine it does not do it.
I have cleared his InfoPath Cache. I have removed the saved InfoPath forms out of the InfoPath application, but I cant seem to find the solution to fix this, without having to erase his profile and create a new one on the machine.
Any suggestions?