How can I get Dojo Dijits (1.5.0, currently) to work with XHTML as application/xml+xhtml? It works if sent as text/html, but application/xml+xhtml is required.
This seems to be tied to dijit.form.DatePicker and a few others.
This isn't a matter of validating against W3C, it just plain doesn't work, at all.
Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </br>.
Source File:
Line: 5, Column: 54
Source Code:
><div class="dijitReset dijitValidationIcon"><br></div
JavaScript execution stops because of this error.
Obviously, I can recompile Dojo, and fix all of these individually, but this is a lot of work, and does not fix everything.
Once again, it works with text/html, but application/xml+xhtml is required.