Microsoft way is not flawless, so i do prefer old school:
const WM_KNOCK_KNOCK = WM_USER + 42;
{ or WM_USER + 265 or any number you like, consult PSDK documentation why WM_USER range }
{ or do RegisterWindowMessage }
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Window: HWND;
Window := FindWindow(PChar({MainForm.}ClassName), nil);
i neither remember how it works exactly nor have time to investigate right now,
so quick and dirty validity test follows:
Assert(not (HandleAllocated and (Window = Handle)), 'failed, use fallback');
if Window <> 0 then
PostMessage(Window, WM_KNOCK_KNOCK, 0, 0);
{ regular initialization }
Now, WM_KNOCK_KNOCK message handler of first instance performs wakeup routine.
i have little clue what exactly you do when you receive WM_LBUTTONUP (or perhaps WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) in your Shell_NotifyIcon wrapper (Application.Restore, maybe?). As, Chris Thornton said, there is no such state as 'minimized to tray', it is artifical.
Fallback: if assertion fails, note what code depends only on class function ClassName
so could be easily moved out of FormCreate
and invoked before Application creates it.