The following is the CScript script I use for the programmatic printing of a Word document.
var err = 0;
var app = WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application");
try {
var filename = WScript.Arguments(0);
var enc = (filename.toLowerCase().indexOf(".txt") >= 0) || (filename.toLowerCase().indexOf(".htm")) ? 65001 : 1252;
var objDoc = app.Documents.Open(filename, false, true, false, " ", " ", false, " ", " ", 0, enc, true, false, 0, true);
objDoc.PrintOut(false, false, 0, "", "", "", 0);
} catch (e) {
err = 1;
} finally {
How can I modify it to prevent the spooling dialog box from being displayed? (Is this even possible?) A screen capture of what I mean by "spooling dialog box" is at