For ASP.NET MVC, you have complete control over column rendering in the Grid when you use a TemplateColumn. In that case, you could do something like this to handle long values:
<% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Template(c => {
<span title="<%= c.FieldName %>"><%= c.FieldName.Elipsis(50) %></span>
Where "Elipsis(int)" is potentially an Extension Method that you create for String to truncate a string to a specific length and then add the "..." (note: this will obviously only work for server binding).
Another option is to use jQuery and an Elipsis plug-in to target your elements and truncate them. If you use the Template column to give your SPANs a specific class or ID, you can easily use jQuery selectors to apply the Elipsis effect. Here is an example plug-in:
You can go even further and use the Grid's CellAction
event (again, for server binding) and apply your jQuery effect selectively. For more on CellAction
, see this online demo: