



The reason i need to do this is because of Facebook Connect - which is another story, so i'll save you the drama for that. =)

Anyway, i have this function that runs on window.onload:

function userAuth() {
   if (!loggedInUsingFormsAuth && loggedInViaFacebook) {
     window.location.reload(); // refresh page, so i can perform auto-login

So, i need help in getting the flag "loggedInUsingFormsAuth".

I dont care what is in the cookie, just need to know if the current user is authenticated.

Why am i doing this?

Well, on window load, if the user is logged into Facebook but not on my website (according to the Forms Authentication cookie), i want to reload the page - which allows my ASP.NET website to read the Facebook cookies in the HttpContext and log the user in. I need to do this in JavaScript, because i dont have the Facebook cookies until i call "SomeFunctionWhichGetsFacebookCookies" - which can only be done in JavaScript.

So, how can i work out if the current user is authenticated via JavaScript? Do i have to manually traverse through the cookies, find the one i want, and inspect it? Is this a safe thing to do?

Or should i alternatively write out the flag to the client from the server using RegisterClientScript?


A better way to do it than you have described inn your comment is to create a simple web service that you call to retrieve the value.

Ben Robinson
Then ill need an extra call to the server, which i dont want. I render out the javascript on Page_PreRender, now im just rendering it with the value from the server.
A call to the server is real time, checking a javascript variable will tell you the user is logged in when in fact their session has expired.
Ben Robinson
In theory, you're correct - but in fact im registering the javascript on page load, then checking the cookie immediately in the same javascript- in other words, in real time (page loads, check auth, set auth in javascript, javascript runs immediately and checks auth). Anyway thanks for the answer.

As i am registering the JavaScript via the server on every page load, i decided to set the HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated property into the JavaScript itself.

In other words i had some JavaScript defined in the C# itself:

public class SomeClassWhichHasAccessToHttpContext
   private const string MyScript = "var foo='{0}'";

   public static string GetMyScript()
      return string.Format(MyScript, HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated);

Then on the HTML for my main master page:

<%= SomeClassWhichHasAcccessToHttpContext.GetMyScript() =>

Normally i would not opt for a solution like this, i would normally call an asynchronous web service (as Ben's answer's mentions). But the fact is that this property and JavaScript is evaluated on a page-request basis, so the evaluation of this property will never be stale for each given HTTP Request.


You could add the following to your web.config file.

         <!-- Allows for user authentication -->
         <authenticationService enabled="true" requireSSL="false" />

and then you are able to find out via javascript if you are authenticated like so.

function isAuth() {
    var result = Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.get_isLoggedIn();
    return result;
Interesting, but its still doing a call to the server behind the scenes.