I'm using StyleCop and want to suppress some warning which does not suit my style. I prefer to have solution for 1) in-line code suppressing and 2) global setting suppressing . I've searched the internet but still not sure how to do the suppressing. For method 1), They said to add the lines
[assembly: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "SA1202:All private methods must be placed after all public methods", Scope = "namespace", Target = "Consus.Client.ClientVaultModule.Services.OnlineDetection")]
But they do not say where and which namespace to be used. For method 2), they said to use GlobalSuppress file but it seems not easy to search for a how-to do it at the moment.
Please help.
[Edited] In my case, I have the warning about SA1202: All private methods must be placed after all public methods which is bothering since I group my related codes into regions. I want to suppress those warning for just some certain methods.