



After upgrading from Fluent NHibernate 1.0 RTM to 1.1 I got some strange errors when creating the database. After some investigation I discovered that FNH 1.0 quoted all field names in the generated mapping files like 'user', but FNH 1.1 did not. This results in errors for the generated sql script when I use restriced keywords for properties.

Is it somehow possible to reactivate this feature of FNH 1.0 or enable quoting otherwise?


Are you talking about the code that is generated and sent to the sql server or the psedo mappings files it generates?

it is in the mapping files
I'd hassard a guess that this is the way it should be. Since each database has its own quote character, in Sql its [ and ] in MySql its ` and `.So its right that escaping or quoting isn't in the mapping files. it's determined at runtime depending the driver you've configured.I think your looking in the wrong place. Look into why the driver you've selected isn't quoting correctly. IE check you've selected the correct driver to match the db capabilities.