



I'm looking for a good article or two, or just an explanation, on how the DataContext, or dbml file, for LinqToSql, exactly works in LinqToSql.

  • Is this a disconnected environment?
  • Are the database connections still pooled by Sql Server?
  • If I create an instance of my DataContext am I responsible to Dispose of it?
  • How does it handle a multiple user environment, when my application creates a new DataContext object, does each thread get it's own DataContext?

And a bunch of other questions as well as what are some best practices!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

+2  A: 

DataContext FAQ at MSDN

Rick Strahl Article on DataContext Lifetime

Base site for LINQ on MSDN.

The LINQ Project at MSDN.

The LINQ Project Forum

DataContext class description
