



I have a form that I am trying to set the action for. I want to declare the action inside my form file (which extends Zend_Form) instead of in a controller or view, using a route I have created in my bootstrap. Usually when I want to use a route I do something like

$this->url(array(), 'route-name');

in the view, or

$this->_helper->url(array(), 'route-name');

in the controller.

How do I call a route from within Zend_Form?

edit: I have given up trying to load a route into zend_form. Perhaps in a future release there may be a function to easily do this?

I have created a viewScript for my form and set the route in that: In the form init function:

            'ViewScript', array(
                    'viewScript' => 'forms/formView.phtml'

and in the view file:

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->url(array(), 'route-name'); ?>" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
        foreach ($this->element->getElements() as $element)
            echo $element;
+5  A: 

Method 1: Get the router

// in your form
public function init()
    $router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
    $url = $router->assemble(
            'paramterName0' => 'parameterValue0',
            'paramterName1' => 'parameterValue1',


Method 2: Get an instance of the View object and call the url-view-helper directly

// in your form    
public function init()
    $url = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView()->url(array(), 'routeName';

I prefer Method 1. It is more verbose but you have one dependency less in your form.

Benjamin Cremer
The problem with method one is that I already have the routes set up in the bootstrap.Method two is fantastic!
@Dickie Method 1 does not define a new Route. It assembles a Url with a existing Route.Take a look in Zend_View_Helper_Url. It does exactly the same: Get the Router and call assemble.
Benjamin Cremer
You are right. I mis-read the code. I thought it was creating a new route, not using a route. That is exactly what I am after. Thanks.
+1 for Method 1, this helped me a lot, Thanks! :)