You will already know the basic principles of tables and sql from ORACLE.
There are numerous annoying differences in SQL function names and some keywords but that shouldnt slow you down too much.
Internally DB2 is vastly different from ORACLE especially in the way storage is allocated and the way locking and transactions are implemented. This should not bother you too much unless thay expect you to do some intense performance and tuning work.
The main areas of difference are specific to z/OS rather than DB2. Firstly most mainframe programs are written in COBOL or DB2 to run inside either CICS or IMS transaction monitors (think J2EE containers but for COBOL) and usually these programs use "STATIC" sql. So its definately worth reading the manual on how staic sql programs are written and implemented. The programming is actually easier as the precompiler does most of the hard work and delivers the data to actual fields in your program, but, there is extra messing around woth DBRMs, basiclilly the SQL is stripped from the source code and stored in a file, before you run a program the file must be loaded into the target database (using BIND PLAN ) and at this point the optimisation and access plan is done so when you come to run your program there is an access plan ready built and waiting.
The second major pain is you will need to learn JCL. Which is a pretty unique hangover from the very first 360 series circa 1968. Think of it as a very primative ant script!