My questions is the following: how can I test if an ICommand's Execute method was called on a mock object ?
I'm using the following code:
var mockOperandVM = new Mock<UCOperandViewModel> ();
mockOperandVM.Setup (x => x.EditCommand).Returns (new RelayCommand<String> (x => { }));
var toolbarTrayVM = new UCToolbarTrayViewModel (mockComponentsLocator.Object);
toolbarTrayVM.EditCommand.Execute ("Edit");
mockOperandVM.Verify (x => x.EditCommand.Execute ("Edit"), "EditCommand with 'Edit' parameter was not executed on the mock object.");
I have to specify here that I have an EditCommand ICommand on the UCOperandViewModel too and I want to test whether that ICommand gets executed when I call EditCommand.Execute on the toolbarTrayVM.
I get an ArgumentException on the call to Verify. It says that "A matching constructor for the given arguments was not found on the mocked type.".
Thanks in advance.