



I read a delimited text file into dataset. i am writing these dataset values line by line in another text file. my C# syntax is :

                DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext();

                var r = from p in db.Products
                        select p;
                //DataTable TarGetTable;
                //TarGetTable = AddDataToTable();
                String TargetStringFilePath;
                TargetStringFilePath = @"c:\aaa.txt";
                StreamWriter fw = File.CreateText(TargetStringFilePath);

                foreach (Product drPrintRow in r)

                    String str = drPrintRow.CategoryID.ToString();
                    str +=" "+ drPrintRow.Discontinued.ToString();
                    str +=" "+ drPrintRow.ProductID.ToString();
                    str += " "+drPrintRow.ProductName.sToString();


            catch (Exception ex)

I want this output in bellow format

                                        CUSTOMERWISE ORDER STATUS REPORT
 Trading Date : 1-2-2010                                                                           Date :1-2-2010
                                                                                                     Time :15:00:52                    
      HOWLA TYPE               FILL TYPE              MKT TYPE                   ORDER STATUS                     
    --------------     -------------------------     -----------     ---------------------------------------------
    D : DVP            MF   : MinimumFill            P : PUBLIC      AC : ACTIVE       CF : CompletelyFilled      
    N : NORMAL         PF   : Partial Fill           S : SPOT        NA : NOTACTIVE    FR : FilledAndRejected     
    U : UNSPECIFIED    FOK  : FillOrKill             O : ODDLOT      XE : Executed     EX : Expired               
                       AON  : AllOrNone              B : BLOCK       RJ : Rejected     OM : OriginalOrderModified 
                       PFAK : PartialFillAndKill                     DE : Deactivated  PF : PartiallyFilled       
                                                                     DL : Deleted      CR : CrossingReported      
          |          | ORDER   |         |/ |    Tk.   |   QTY   |TYPE | DATE     |TYPE|TYPE|STATUS| PREFIX  | SUFFIX  |
          |          | REFNO   |         |S |          |         |     |          |    |    |      |   NO    |   NO    |
00002     |BSRMSTEEL |109379297|      500|S |   1325.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 41500123|
          |CITYBANK  |109379298|      200|S |    940.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  6300609|
          |POWERGRID |109379303|      500|S |    789.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  6000269|
          |SPCERAMICS|109379306|     5000|S |     93.60|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 40200627|
          |CITYBANK  |109379439|     2000|S |    912.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  6300918|
00004     |PREMIERBAN|109379645|      550|B |    402.75|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 32601990|
          |PLFSL     |109379725|      100|B |    660.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 27800430|
          |MAKSONSPIN|109379373|     2000|S |    110.70|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 41400304|
          |MPETROLEUM|109379654|      100|S |    329.00|      100|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  AC  |201003201| 36001036|
          |BXPHARMA  |109379867|      200|S |    185.50|      200|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  AC  |201003201|  9302082|
00011     |PADMAOIL  |109379692|     1000|S |    811.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 15500272|
          |MPETROLEUM|109379989|     1000|S |    324.70|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 36001454|
          |CONFIDCEM |109380341|      500|S |   1614.75|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  6500878|
          |          |109380346|      500|S |   1616.00|      240|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  PF  |201003201|  6500891|
          |          |109380351|      500|S |   1615.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  6500905|
00012     |APEXTANRY |109379064|      100|B |   1373.50|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  1300042|
          |          |109379154|      100|B |   1365.00|      100|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  AC  |201003201|  1300127|
          |          |109379328|      100|B |   1385.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  1300301|
          |UNIONCAP  |109379471|      500|B |    143.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  8000591|
          |          |109379535|      500|B |    143.50|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  8000651|
          |          |109379774|     1000|B |    142.30|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  8000931|
          |          |109380425|      500|B |    142.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  8001532|
          |PREMIERBAN|109379218|      100|S |    399.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 32600814|
          |SUMITPOWER|109380383|      100|S |   1324.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 28401076|
          |          |109380438|       50|S |   1321.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201| 28401129|
00013     |APEXTANRY |109379034|      100|B |   1375.00|        0|  N  |01-02-2010| P  | PF |  CF  |201003201|  1300016|

How to write dataset value in text file in specified format.Is there any existing software that can do that for me.

I use Northwind database on C# syntax.HOw to write this product table information in above format.


I'd suggest starting with the string.Format method and check the additional references on the documentation page for help in determining the proper custom format strings.

How add string.Format in my C# syntax to save database value in TextFile.
@shamim - `string.Format( "{0,-5:00000} | {1,10}|` ... should give you a start.
thanks it's really helpful.hope you see my wanted format in above example,one column named INSTRUMENT contain string .How to format string on that way as on above example.
Sorry - the second format string should have been `{1,-10}`. I didn't notice it was left aligned as well. Note that if the column value may contain more than 10 characters, you'll need to use `Substring` with a length of the minimum of 10 and the string length: `string.Format( "{0,-10}", s != null ? s.Substring( 0, Math.Min( 10, s.Length )) : s )`
thanks it's work well. will you please tell me how to set the column name on header in my C# syntax.i want same work as my above example.thaks again for your help.
@shamim - the simplest way is probably to just print strings that have the proper spacing, but you could also do a combination of `PadLeft` (or `PadRight`) and formatting with alignment as with the data.

I think you are looking for string.Format(...). This allows you to format many different data types into a defined string format.

Philip Smith