



I just converted UberSite, a web site to a web application. I get run-time errors saying that there is no such thing as type foo. When I drill down to the page in the code-view, it gives me an error-correction suggestion: import namespace UberSite.

If I create a new web application and define foo there, there is no need to import any namespace to use foo in the new application.

How can this be? Why does my web application seemingly need to import its own namespace?


Did you look at the namespace that is defined in your foo class? It could be that it falls into a different namespace than your web application project, even though the class is included as part of that project in VS. For example:

namespace MySuperCoolNameSpace.Lib
    public class Foo
        public Foo()
It's not that... There are no namespace declarations within the project. It's just `public class Foo`. And it is vb, if that makes any difference.
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Sorry about the C# code...Does Foo conflict with a .NET framework class? That's about the only thing I can think of.
No, there is no such conflict. It worked fine in a prior version, which was a web application with no project file.
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