I am trying to execute a stored procedured from a linked database in MS SQL 2005. The linked database is a db2 database on a iseries server. I am using the iSeries IBMDASQL service provider. I am able to query the stored procedure without problems using a simple vbscript and ado. When I try to execute the same stored procedure in query analyzer on the SQL Server, I never see any results. Query analyzer always show 'command executed' and when I execute the select * on the temp table, no values appear. What am I doing wrong????? Thanks!
--code from query analyzer below--
DECLARE @emailToAddress char(50)
DECLARE @emailFromAddress char(50)
set @emailToAddress = '[email protected]'
set @emailFromAddress = '[email protected]'
If Object_ID('tempdb..#tmpResultTbl') Is Not Null
Drop Table #tmpResultTbl
Create Table #tmpResultTbl
OUTPGMID Char(150))
Set NoCount On
Insert Into #tmpResultTbl
EXEC ('CALL abicqual.VP_GETCCEPGMID(?, ?) ', @emailToAddress, @emailFromAddress) AT MAM400
Select * From #tmpResultTbl
UPDATED: Here is the updated code to use openquery... still no luck :(
DECLARE @TSQL varchar(8000) DECLARE @emailToAddress varchar(50) DECLARE @emailFromAddress varchar(50) SET @emailToAddress = '[email protected]' SET @emailFromAddress = '[email protected]' SET @TSQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(MAM400,''CALL abicqual.VP_GETCCEPGMID(''''' + @emailToAddress + ''''', ''''' + @emailFromAddress + '''''' + ')''' + ')' Print @TSQL EXEC (@TSQL)
--output below-- SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(MAM400,'CALL abicqual.VP_GETCCEPGMID(''[email protected]'', ''[email protected]'')') Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot process the object "CALL abicqual.VP_GETCCEPGMID('[email protected]', '[email protected]')". The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "MAM400" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.