ok this is the thing I have right now which is working quite well except its a bit slow:
Public Function GetList() As List(Of SalesOrder)
Dim list As New List(Of SalesOrder)
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = cls.GetSalesOrderList 'CLS is the data access class
For i = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
Dim row As DataRow = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)
Dim kk As SalesOrder = New SalesOrder()
kk.ID = Val(row.Item("id") & "")
kk.SalesOrderNo = row.Item("salesorderid") & ""
kk.SalesOrderDate = row.Item("OrderDate") & ""
kk.CustomerId = Val(row.Item("customerid") & "")
Return list
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Function
Now once I start retrieving more than 10000 records from the table, the loop takes long time to load values into generic class. Is there any way that I can get rid of loop? Can I do something like the following with the generic class?
txtSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange(Array. ConvertAll(Of DataRow, String)(BusinessLogic.ToDataTable.ConvertTo(WorkOr derList).Select(), Function(row As DataRow) row("TradeContactName")))