



I have a ASP.Net TreeView Control with Checkboxes along Child nodes. I want to get Text of the checked Child Node in the TreeView control. And I want to get the checked Child Node Text using jQuery/javascript. Mostly I had used jQuery in the page I had done.

I had used $(this).text(). But its not working. Since the control is ASP.Net TreeView control and I am using jQuery. So either jQuery or javascript


First, you have to check if you are using adapters in the treeview. If you are using adapters, you basically have to search in the DOM generate the elements that have a class named ParentSelected, or Selected. That is the naming convention that microsoft uses.

It will be something like these $("li[class$='Selected']").children("a").val()



ok.what is this class$? is it default ?
Sreejesh Kumar
inside the for loop how will I retrieve the text ? is it $("li[class$='Selected']").children("a").attr("text") like you mentioned above ??? what is this class$ ?
Sreejesh Kumar

Since you didn't post a sample of what you're working with I created an example that tries to cover a few different scenarios.

<ul id="list">
  <li><input type='checkbox' id="check1" name="check1" value="hello" /> Checkbox #1</li>
  <li><input type='checkbox' id="check2" name="check2" /> Checkbox #2 <a href="#">hello</a></li>
  <li><input type='checkbox' id="check3" name="check3" /> Checkbox #3</li>
  <li><input type='checkbox' id="check4" name="check4"/> Checkbox #4</li>

<button id="output"></button>

On button click...

$("#output").bind("click", function(){

  // can be any jQuery selector -- for this example we use #list 
    var $t = $(this),           // current checkbox
        $p = $t.parent(),       // parent li - define more so w/ parent('li')
        text = $p.text(),       // text of li
        val = $t.val(),         // checkbox value
        id = $t.attr('id'),     // checkbox id
        name = $t.attr('name'), // checkbox name
        children = $p.children("a:first").text(); // select first child anchor element->get text

    // insert magical code here...

    // print to console for debug
    console.log($t, $p, text, val, id, name, children);
