I have a table of Users (tblUsers) which contains details of University staff. I am trying to populate a text box with the names of lecturers associated with a selected module.
I am getting all UserIDs associated with a particular module, testing if the User is a lecturer, if so then I add the ID to an ArrayList.
I then iterate through this array and call the method below during each iteration passing through the current ID.
However, if you look at the method below I am using a SqlDataReader and am getting an error while reading from it on this line:
txtLecturerName.Text += myReader["First_Name"].ToString();
The error message is: 'myReader["First_Name"]' threw an exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException'
The table layout I am using is below the method code. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, I am one cup of coffee away from putting my head through the screen.
public void outputLecturerNames(string lecturerID)
// Create a new Connection object using the connection string
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(conStr);
// If the connection is already open - close it
if (myConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// 'using' block allows the database connection to be closed
// first and then the exception handling code is triggered.
// This is a better approach than using a 'finally' block which
// would close the connection after the exception has been handled.
using (myConnection)
// Open connection to DB
SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, myConnection);
// Declare a new DataReader
SqlDataReader myReader;
selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE User_ID='";
selectQuery += lecturerID + "'";
myReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (myReader.Read())
txtLecturerName.Text += myReader["First_Name"].ToString();
txtLecturerName.Text += " ";
txtLecturerName.Text += myReader["Last_Name"].ToString();
txtLecturerName.Text += " , ";
catch (Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + err);