I have IE7 at work... so for me the script does not work as is... although it does work fine in FF3.5+
When fiddling with it locally... I got it to work by changing the following lines....
<dl class="selectboxs" style="width:74px;" onclick="this.down('dd').toggle()">
<dl class="selectboxs" style="width:74px;" onclick="$(this).down('dd').toggle()">
Note the $ which is what makes it a prototype object. This is odd since prototype usually wraps elements automatically, but that is what i got..
I also changed the function to add the $() around id.. same reason.. similarly perplexed.
function addMessenger(id)
$(id).insert({after:'<div>' + $(id).innerHTML + '</div>'});
return false;
However I've never used prototype calls from inline js, so maybe something to do with that? Perhaps the JS/prototype experts can help?