




A .NET program is first compiled into MSIL code. When it is executed, the JIT compiler will compile it into native machine code.

I am wondering:

Where is these JIT-compiled machine code stored? Is it only stored in address space of the process? But since the second startup of the program is much faster than the first time, I think this native code must have been stored on disk somewhere even after the execution has finished. But where?


+1  A: 

In short, the IL is JIT-compiled for each invocation of the program and is maintained in code pages of the process address space. See Chapter 1 of Richter for great coverage of the .NET execution model.


I believe that the JIT compiled code is never stored or swapped out of memory. The performance boost you perceive on a second execution of an assembly is due to dependant assemblies already being in memory or disc cache.

Philip Smith
Only kernel drivers can prevent code from being swapped out. JIT compiled code can be paged out just like any other page in application memory.
Ben Voigt
+3  A: 

JIT compiled machine code is cached in memory per-method, each time that a method is executed for the first time. I don't think it is ever cached to disk.

You may find that the process is faster to load the second time because Windows cached (in memory) the files used by your process (dlls, resources etc etc) on the first run. On the second run there is no need to go to disk, where this may have been done on the first run.

You could confirm this by running NGen.exe to actually pre-compile the machine code for your architecture, and compare the performance of the first and second runs. My bet is that the second run would still be faster, due to caching in the OS.

+3  A: 

As others have pointed out, code is JIT'd on a per process basis in your case, and is not cached - the speed-up you are seeing on second load is OS disk caching (i.e. in-memory) of the assemblies.

However, whilst there is no caching (apart from OS disk caching) in the desktop\server version of the framework, there is caching of JIT'd machine code in another version of the framework.

Of interest is what is happening in the .Net Compact Framework (NETCF for Windows Phone 7 relase). Recent advances see sharing of some JIT'd framework code between processes where the JIT'd code is indeed cached. This has been primarily carried out for better performance (load time and memory usage) in constrained devices such as mobile phones.

So in answer to the question there is no direct framework caching of JIT'd code in the desktop\server version of the CLR, but there will be in the latest version of the compact framework i.e. NETCF.

Reference: We Believe in Sharing


+20  A: 

Memory. It can be cached, that's the job of ngen.exe. It generates a .ni.dll version of the assembly, containing machine code and stored in the GAC. Which automatically gets loaded afterward, bypassing the JIT step.

But that has little to do with why your program starts faster the 2nd time. The 1st time you have a so-called "cold start". Which is completely dominated by the time spent on finding the DLLs on the hard drive. The second time you've got a warm start, the DLLs are already available in the file system cache.

Disks are slow. An SSD is an obvious fix.

Fwiw: this is not a problem that's exclusive to managed code. Large unmanaged programs with lots of DLLs have it too. Two canonical examples, present on most dev machines are Microsoft Office and Acrobat Reader. They cheat. When installed, they put an "optimizer" in the Run registry key or the Startup folder. All that these optimizers do is load all the DLLs that the main program uses, then exit. This primes the file system cache, when the user subsequently uses the program, it will start up quickly since its warm start is fast.

Personally, I find this extraordinarily annoying. Because what they really do is slow down any other program that I may want to start after logging in. Which is rarely Office or Acrobat. I make it a point to delete these optimizers, repeatedly if necessary when a blasted update puts it back.

You can use this trick too, but use it responsibly please.

Hans Passant

All ASP.NET pages are cached and stored on the server. They are NOT just in memory.

When ASP.NET pages are compiled using the "ASP.NET Development Server" before they are exectuted, they are stored here...

C:\[USER TEMP FOLDER]\Temporary ASP.NET Files\

On a IIS web server they are stored here...

C:\[Windows Folder]\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[Frameword Version 1.1/2.0/4.0]\Temporary ASP.NET Files\

Note that you will never see the cache files in version 3.0 or 3.5 since they are extensions of 2.0 and will be stored there.

This is useful to know, if you are testing compile times or you get a corrupted compile.

I believe that cache stores MSIL that goes into the JIT, not the machine code that comes out of the JIT.
Ben Voigt