



Hi All, I'm importing the data from three Tab delimited files in the DataTables and after that I need to go thru every row of master table and find all the rows in two child tables. Against each DataRow[] array I found from the child tables, I have to again go thru individually each row and check the values based upon different paramenters and at the end I need to create a final record which will be merger of master and two child table columns. Now I have done that and its working but the problem is its Performance. I'm using the DataTable.Select to find all child rows from child table which I believe making it very slow. Please remember the None of the table has any Primary key as the duplicate rows are acceptable. At the moment I have 1200 rows in master table and aroun 8000 rows in child table and the total time it takes to do that is 8 minutes.

Any idea how can I increase the Performance. Thanks in advance

The code is below *******

 DataTable rawMasterdt = importMasterFile();
 DataTable rawDespdt = importDescriptionFile();

        dsHelper = new DataSetHelper();
        DataTable distinctdt = new DataTable();
        distinctdt = dsHelper.SelectDistinct("DistinctOffers", rawMasterdt, "C1");

        if (distinctdt.Rows.Count > 0)
            int count = 0;
                foreach (DataRow offer in distinctdt.Rows)
                    string exp = "C1 = " + "'" + offer[0].ToString() + "'" + "";
                    DataRow masterRow = rawMasterdt.Select(exp)[0];

                    txtBlock1.Text = "Importing Offer " + count.ToString() + " of " + distinctdt.Rows.Count.ToString(); 
                    if (masterRow != null )
                            Product newProduct = new Product();

                            newProduct.Code = masterRow["C4"].ToString();
                            newProduct.Name = masterRow["C5"].ToString();
                          //  -----
                            newProduct.Description = getProductDescription(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
                            newProduct.Weight = getProductWeight(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
                            newProduct.Price = getProductRetailPrice(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
                            newProduct.UnitPrice = getProductUnitPrice(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
                          //  ------- more functions similar to above here

                txtBlock1.Text = "Import Completed";
 public string getProductDescription(string offercode, DataTable dsp)
        string exp = "((C1 = " + "'" + offercode + "')" + " AND ( C6 = 'c' ))";
        DataRow[] dRows = dsp.Select( exp);
        string descrip = "";
        if (dRows.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dRows.Length - 1; i++)
              descrip = descrip + " " + dRows[i]["C12"];
        return descrip;


DataTables can be made to have Relationships with other DataTables in a DataSet. See for a bit of discussion and as a start point to browsing. I've not much experience of using them but as I understand it they will do what you want (assuming your tables are in a suitable format). I would assume that these have greater efficiency than a manual process of doing the same but I may be wrong. Might be worth seeing if they work for you and benchmarking to see if they are an improvement or not...

Thanks for ur response Chris but I'm afraid that I cannot use this because I have no PK, FK in this scenario. As I said earlier that there is not PK and all tables can have the duplicate rows.
@Jhelumi786: I wouldn't have thought you needed a *unique* primary key to use that. I always thought of it much like doing a join in SQL in that way. As I say though, I've not used it for ages so I can't really remember. :)