I can successfully connect to MySQL from a DOS prompt, but when I try to connect from cygwin, it just hangs.
$/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/MySQL/MySQL\ Server\ 5.1/bin/mysql -u root -p
What's wrong?
I can successfully connect to MySQL from a DOS prompt, but when I try to connect from cygwin, it just hangs.
$/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/MySQL/MySQL\ Server\ 5.1/bin/mysql -u root -p
What's wrong?
Assuming that you have a native Windows build of MySQL, there is a terminal emulation incompatibility between DOS
(command prompt) windows and bash
. The prompt for mysql
isn't showing up.
To confirm this, type a command and return - it will probably work, but the prompt and the echo of the command (what you're typing) is getting lost.
There may be a workaround in either the CYGWIN
sytem properties or in bash
, but I've never taken the time to work this one out.