My User table (mysql db on a other server) has a FaceBookId Column. How do i filter it by friends?
I mean
Select * from User where FacebookId in SomeTypeOfGetFriends(of me ... the logged in user)
what's the best way? should I first get the friends in an array, then do a FacebookId IN (array) ?
For every user that logs on, I could do something like this: on the first page, when they log in, i could save all his/her friends, just ID-s in a table that looks like: ftbl(userloggedinfbid INT, friendsfbid INT). I would do this once, every time he loggs in. Then would do a join. But this way I would be storing connections between users, which facebook does already. Why should I re-store them?
I am not sure re-storing friendship-type-connections is even ok with FB.