Here's an oddity from the past!
I'm writing an ASCII Pong game for the command prompt (Yes yes oldschool) and I'm writing to the video memory directly (Add. 0xB8000000) so I know I'm rendering quickly (As opposed to gotoxy and then printf rendering)
My code works fine, the code compiles fine under Turbo C++ V1.01 BUT the animation lags... now hold on hold on, there's a cavaet! Under my super fast boosted turbo Dell Core 2 Duo this seems logical however when I hold a key on the keyboard the animation becomes smooth as a newly compiled baby's bottom.
I thought maybe it was because I was slowing the computer down by overloading the keyboard buffer (wtf really? come on...) but then I quickly smartened up and tried compiling for DJGPP and Tiny C Compiler to test if the results are the same. On Tiny C Compiler I found I coulnd't compile 'far' pointer types... still confused on that one but I was able to compile for DJGPP and it the animation ran smoothly!
I want to compile this and have it work for Turbo C++ but this problem has been plagueing me for the past 3 days to no resolve. Does anyone know why the Turbo C++ constant calls to my rendering method (code below) will lag in the command prompt but DJGPP will not? I don't know if I'm compiling as debug or not, I don't even know how to check if I am. I did convert the code to ASM and I saw what looked to be debugging data at the header of the source so I don't know...
Any and all comments and help will be greatly appreciated!
Here is a quick example of what I'm up against, simple to compile so please check it out:
#define bX 80
#define bY 24
#define halfX bX/2
#define halfY bY/2
#define resolution bX*bY
#define LEFT 1
#define RIGHT 2
void GameLoop();
void render();
void clearBoard();
void printBoard();
void ballLogic();
typedef struct {
int x, y;
vertex vertexWith(int x, int y) {
vertex retVal;
retVal.x = x;
retVal.y = y;
return retVal;
vertex vertexFrom(vertex from) {
vertex retVal;
retVal.x = from.x;
retVal.y = from.y;
return retVal;
int direction;
char far *Screen_base;
char *board;
vertex ballPos;
void main() {
Screen_base = (char far*)0xB8000000;
ballPos = vertexWith(halfX, halfY);
direction = LEFT;
board = (char *)malloc(resolution*sizeof(char));
void GameLoop() {
char input;
do {
input = getch();
}while(input != 'p');
void render() {
board[ballPos.y*bX+ballPos.x] = 'X';
void clearBoard() {
int d;
board[d] = ' ';
void printBoard() {
int d;
char far *target = Screen_base+d;
for(d=0;d<resolution;d++) {
*target = board[d];
*(target+1) = LIGHTGRAY;
void ballLogic() {
vertex newPos = vertexFrom(ballPos);
if(direction == LEFT)
if(direction == RIGHT)
if(newPos.x == 0)
direction = RIGHT;
else if(newPos.x == bX)
direction = LEFT;
ballPos = vertexFrom(newPos);