I am trying to reproduce an existing maven environment on another computer and when I try to use the release plugin it gives me an "password is required for the perforce scm plugin"
The odd thing is I didn't make any changes to the pom.xml.
I found this bug report: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-415
Interestingly I am using maven-scm-provider-perforce 1.1, so it could be exactly my problem.
So this this leads to my current problem. I can't seem to force my project to use the latest perforce provider version.
I've tried add this under <build>
But it seems to be still using 1.1
I've also tried to force it to use version 1.3 of the maven-scm-plugin, but that still uses 1.1 of perforce provider.
How do I update my repo so it pulls version 1.3 of the perforce provider?
Note: At the highest level I am calling this command:
mvn --batch-mode -Dgoals=install release:prepare