For those who are curious to know what glowcoder's and Assaf's approach would look like in Haskell, here's one translation:
avg [] = 0
avg x@(t:ts) = let xlen = toRational $ length x
tslen = toRational $ length ts
prevAvg = avg ts
in (toRational t) / xlen + prevAvg * tslen / xlen
This way ensures that each step has the "average so far" correctly calculated, but does so at the cost of a whole bunch of redundant multiplying/dividing by lengths, and very inefficient calculations of length at each step. No seasoned Haskeller would write it this way.
An only slightly better way is:
avg2 [] = 0
avg2 x = fst $ avg_ x
avg_ [] = (toRational 0, toRational 0)
avg_ (t:ts) = let
(prevAvg, prevLen) = avg_ ts
curLen = prevLen + 1
curAvg = (toRational t) / curLen + prevAvg * prevLen / curLen
in (curAvg, curLen)
This avoids repeated length calculation. But it requires a helper function, which is precisely what the original poster is trying to avoid. And it still requires a whole bunch of canceling out of length terms.
To avoid the cancelling out of lengths, we can just build up the sum and length and divide at the end:
avg3 [] = 0
avg3 x = (toRational total) / (toRational len)
(total, len) = avg_ x
avg_ [] = (0, 0)
avg_ (t:ts) = let
(prevSum, prevLen) = avg_ ts
in (prevSum + t, prevLen + 1)
And this can be much more succinctly written as a foldr:
avg4 [] = 0
avg4 x = (toRational total) / (toRational len)
(total, len) = foldr avg_ (0,0) x
avg_ t (prevSum, prevLen) = (prevSum + t, prevLen + 1)
which can be further simplified as per the posts above.
Fold really is the way to go here.