



I have the following code in my codebehind Page_Load function that sets the default selected value of a dropdownlist in detailsview based on the name of a record returned from a sql data query.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Me.Page.Title = "Editing record"

        'Perform dropdown list population operations
        Dim myDDL As DropDownList = DetailsView1.FindControl("reqCategoryDropDown")
        If Page.IsPostBack = False Then

            Dim ticket_ID As String = getDataKey(DetailsView1)
            'Fetch Category ID
            Dim sqlText As String = "SELECT TS_REQCATEGORY FROM USR_ITFAC WHERE (TS_ID = " + ticket_ID + ") "
            Dim reqDataReader As SqlDataReader = GetDataReader(sqlText)

            Dim category_ID As String = reqDataReader(0)

            'Fetch Category name and set as selected value in dropdown list
            sqlText = "SELECT TS_NAME FROM TS_SELECTIONS WHERE (TS_ID = " + category_ID + ") "
            reqDataReader = GetDataReader(sqlText)
            category_Name = reqDataReader(0)
            myDDL.SelectedValue = category_Name
        End If

    End Sub

My problem is that when the page loads for the first time, even though I set the selected value for the dropdownlist it will not display and instead simply displays the default first name in my dropdownlist. I tried Binding my dropdownlist before and after I set the selectedvalue, it is commented out in the sample code above, but that didn't seem to do anything.

UPDATE: I'm setting the data source in the webform as follows:


<asp:DropDownList DataSourceID="ReqCategoryData" DataTextField="ReqCategory" DataValueField="ReqCategory"
                                ID="reqCategoryDropDown" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true" AutoPostBack="true">                                                            

Connects to data source a few lines down:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ReqCategoryData" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TTPRODReportsQuery %>"

UPDATE_2: Ok, so I implemented he SQLDataSource programmatically in the code-behind under the Page_Init function as follows:

Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        DetailsView1.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Edit

        ''Setup DropDownList SqlDataSource
        ddlDataSource.ID = "ReqCategoryData"
        ddlDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TTPRODReportsQuery").ConnectionString
        ddlDataSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT TS_NAME AS ReqCategory FROM dbo.TS_SELECTIONS WHERE (TS_FLDID = 5299 AND TS_STATUS = 0) ORDER BY TS_NAME"
        Dim args As New DataSourceSelectArguments

    End Sub

After which I set attempt to set the selected value of the dropdownlist as above. The page is still not setting the selected value.

+1  A: 

Perhaps check these items:

  • ensure you're calling myDDL.DataSource = reqDataReader or some other form of setting the DataSource of your dropdownlist.
  • ensure the dropdownlist has its DataTextField and DataTextField set properly. This could be in code-behind or in markup.
  • The 0'th index of reqDataReader -- are you sure that's the intended ordinal for the DataValueField?

Perhaps something like this:

With myDDL
    .DataTextField = "CategoryName"
    .DataValueField = "CategoryID" ' or perhaps CategoryName as your value.
    .DataSource = reqDataReader
    .SelectedValue = category_Name ' Name or ID; depends on what was set as DataValueField
End With

DataBinding - Code-Behind vs. Markup DataSources

Consider choosing one style of binding your dropdownlist - in code-behind or with a markup SqlDataSource. Having both generates confusion on which bind wins - the code-behind or the datasource. I think it's the SqlDataSource in this case.

Consider removing the SqlDataSource from out of the markup, and create a method in code-behind whose sole purpose is to create the data binding. This is the only place where the binding should happen. If you ever need to track down a defect or enhance your logic, it's the only one place to visit.

Private Sub BindMyDropDown(Optional ByVal selectedValue as String)
    With myDDL
        .DataTextField = "CategoryName"
        .DataValueField = "CategoryID" ' or perhaps CategoryName as your value.
        .DataSource = LoadTicketReqCategory(TicketID)
        .SelectedValue = selectedValue ' Name or ID; depends on what was set as  DataValueField
    End With

End Sub

From your Page_Load(), check for IsPostBack() and call this method when you aren't posting back.

I'm not seeing the datasource listed here and the databind comment is currently commented out (with that single quote there) so this looks to be what is going on.
I added some details above, I'm actually setting the data source in the web form itself. And yes p.cambell, I'm sure the 0'th index contains the value I want to set the DataValueField to. Verified i contained the value when debugging.

myDDL.ClearSelection item = myDDL.Items.FindByValue(category_Name) item.selected = true

-- You could also try setting the SelectedIndex to 2, for example, to check it that way.


The problem might be that you are assigning the myDDL variable outside of the postback check.

    Dim myDDL As DropDownList = DetailsView1.FindControl("reqCategoryDropDown")
    If Page.IsPostBack = False Then

Should be

    If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
        Dim myDDL As DropDownList = DetailsView1.FindControl("reqCategoryDropDown")
Daniel Dyson