I don't understand how to use this feature called "Build deployment package" in VS 2010. I go to my properties and go to package/publish web and setup it up. I click "Create deployment package as zip"
I then build the deployment package and get a zip file.
When I look into and start drilling down in the folders I find I get a path like this
I don't understand why it makes all these folders and on top of it why is it my path to where my soultion sits. I don't like the fact that now everyone can look in the zip and see my accoutn name, where the file was sitting, that I am using subversion.
Then it makes it so confusing to when a error happens. I deployed it on my IIS windows 2008 server and ran it and I had a error show up. It pointed to the file where the error occured and the path was point to my desktop.For the longest time I could not understand why it was pointing to my windows 7 machine desktop when it was running on a windows 2008 server located in a different country.
It was not until I found out with the zip path it made sense. But that is confusing when it is pointing to paths that don't exist on that computer.
How can I change this?