



What would be the best way to go about forcing all HttpResponse objects returned by views in the Django admin site app to use "text/html" as their content type, regardless of the value of the DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE setting? My project has this set to "application/xhtml+xml," and although content produced by the admin app claims to be valid XHTML (look at its doctype declaration), it is not. Ticket #5704 is a major problem, and I discovered some issues with inline forms (namely a liberal use of  , which is not a named entity in XHTML). A comment in Ticket #11684 indicates that it may be a while before the admin site will fully support XHTML, so I need to figure out how to use "text/html" for the admin site, while leaving the default as "application/xhtml+xml."


I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it or not, but I finally achieved my goal by subclassing AdminSite and overriding the admin_view method:

class HTMLAdminSite(admin.AdminSite):
    '''Django AdminSite that forces response content-types to be text/html

    This class overrides the default Django AdminSite `admin_view` method. It
    decorates the view function passed and sets the "Content-Type" header of
    the response to 'text/html; charset=utf-8'.

    def _force_html(self, view):
        def force_html(*arguments, **keywords):
            response = view(*arguments, **keywords)
            response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
            return response
        return force_html

    def admin_view(self, view, *arguments, **keywords):
        return super(HTMLAdminSite, self).admin_view(self._force_html(view),
                                                     *arguments, **keywords)

Then, in my root URLconf, before calling admin.autodiscover(), I set to an instance of this HTMLAdminSite class. It seems to work okay, but if there's a better way, I'd be glad to hear it.
