



could any one please tell me what is the naming convention the Hibernate developers fallowing to give names for DAO calass, Sesgleton class which create Single SessionFactory and retuns Session throug a static method, hibernate mapping files etc


I can only answer from my rather limited experience and perspective, but I'm happy with and used to the way we do it. In general, we use an abstract class called DatabaseHelper that has a lot of static methods. Examples:

DatabaseHelper.getSession() returns a Session. The two methods DatabaseHelper.commitTransaction() and DatabaseHelper.beginTransaction() handle the transactions.

Beans have no naming convention, but all extend

public abstract class HibernateBean<T> implements Serializable

Like this

@Table(name = "table_name")
public class TableEntry extends HibernateBean<TableEntry> {

The HibernateBean contains some methods like getId() to retrieve the Hibernate-generated id.

Lars Andren

This is highly subjective but here is what I use:

names for DAO class

For an Order entity, I use OrderDao for the interface and HibernateOrderDao for the Hibernate implementation (a JPA based implementation would be JpaOrderDao, etc).

class which create Single SessionFactory and retuns Session throug a static method

I use the traditional HibernateUtil (and you'll find many references in the Hibernate documentation, literature, etc). Here is an example. There is a more sophisticated version in the Caveat Emptor sample app.

  • hibernate mapping files

A class named would be mapped by a foo/bar/Foo.hbm.xml file. First, this makes mappings easy to organize, to find and ease the maintenance. Second, this allows to use the strongly typed Configuration#addClass(Class) method (which is refactoring resistant).

Pascal Thivent

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