



TFS Build 2010 uses an internal build number. It's similar to $(Rev:.r). $(Rev:.r) increases in each day while internal build number are increased in other way.

The questions are:

  1. What is the official name of "internal build number"?
  2. How to access "internal build number" in macro format in order to use in "Build Number Format" in a build definition?
  3. The internal number is only shown when a build fails and is only accessible via BuildDetail variable in team build process templates. It is not showed and could not be searched in Build Explorer. How to get it showed and search-able in Build Explorer?
  4. How this "internal build number" increases? With each build among all definitions? In a total project collection? ...?

Thanks in Advance


Check out my answer to this similar question: Can assembly version been automatically updated with each TFS 2010 Build?

Jim Lamb