I have cursor shaped forms (functioning as actual cursors). Whenever I drag it makes what looks like mouse trails. The red and white stuff. See the little red arrow on the upper heart and the little white arrow on the lowest heart? Those are my cursor shaped forms, it's a picture on a tiny form (I cut regions so that the form will be shaped like the picture on it). Those are created in the MainUnit (which I minimized).
When I click and hold, it makes these trails... hovering over those will erase it. How do I get rid of this behavior?
And I can get rid of these by refreshing but if I refresh everytime a mouse moves there is terrible flickering. My current solution is refreshing whenever there is a click, but I want a solution that will get rid of the behavior and not just erase it after it gets drawn.
Okay, I tried it without the wallpaper.
It's the same effect inside folders too.
Through a little more experimenting. I've discovered that it wasn't the (cursor) form at all. And it wasn't the code.
I tried moving (randomly) forms (with a timer using it's left and top properties). And it seemed okay at first but when I click and hold on the desktop. This happens:
Soooooo. Any suggestions as to what I should do to avoid/minimize/control this?