



Is there an equivalent construct within managed .NET (or C#-specific) code to the ICorDebugThread::GetCurrentException method, or the $exception helper that you can use in a watch window / within MSDEV.

It would effectively give an Exception object for the current thread. An example use would be to detect if a method has been called from within a catch block for a particular type of Exception. I quickly realised of course that the correct thing to do would be pass this information to said method explicitly, however I remain curious: has anyone come across this?

If case you haven't seen $exception, etc, before, please see here:

Edit: I remember the original idea/reason now: though it is a dead-end. I was thinking of reducing exception catch-all/rethrow code to something smaller than the 6 lines for 'try, {, }, catch, {, }'. I figured I could use a using statement, with some helper object, like this:

using (new RethrowExceptionHelper<MyException>())
    // if exception thrown here, it would auto-throw a catch-all MyException

I figured that since the Dispose of RethrowExceptionHelper would be called in a finally block, there's a chance that there might be some context of the Exception that was thrown... but of course there won't be, because it's roughly-speaking a finally, not a catch. Again, I realise even if this did work it's not ideal code, and using try/catch would be may more explicit. But still I remain curious :)

I'm guessing also that a valid solution would be to use some extension or delegate, like the example below, but refactored so it doesn't create an Exception instance each time..

new MyException().ThrowIfFails(() =>
    // if exception thrown here, extension method on Exception class would throw itself