In my application i parse a xml from which I get a list of items (hotels and restaurants) that i put into array "listElements"; I need to get from this array, another array that will contain only the particular elements (hotels only) and then I need to get from this array, three array that will contain hotels according to stars(array5starhotel, array4starhotel,array3starhotel). How can do this? This is the code I used for parsing(I used TBXML):
- (void)loadCategories {
// instantiate an array to hold categories objects
listCategories = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:100];
tbxml = [[TBXML tbxmlWithXMLFile:@"Molise.xml"] retain];
// Obtain root element
TBXMLElement * root = tbxml.rootXMLElement;
// if an author element was found
if (root) {
//search for the first category element within the root element's children
TBXMLElement * category = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"category" parentElement:root];
// if a category element was found
while (category != nil) {
// instantiate a category object
Category * aCategory = [[Category alloc] init];
// get the name attribute from the category element = [TBXML valueOfAttributeNamed:@"name" forElement:category];
// search the category's child elements for a "element" element
TBXMLElement * element = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"element" parentElement:category];
// if a "element" element was found
while (element != nil) {
// instantiate a "element" object
Element * aElement = [[Element alloc] init];
// extract the attributes from the "element" element
aElement.title = [TBXML valueOfAttributeNamed:@"title" forElement:element];
aElement.address = [TBXML valueOfAttributeNamed:@"address" forElement:element];
aElement.stars =[TBXML valueOfAttributeNamed:@"stars" forElement:element];
// add the "element" object to the category's listElements array and release the resource
[aCategory.listElements addObject:aElement];
[aElement release];
// find the next sibling element named "element"
element = [TBXML nextSiblingNamed:@"element" searchFromElement:element];
// add our category object to the listCategories array and release the resource
[listaCategories addObject:aCategory];
[aCategory release];
// find the next sibling element named "category"
category = [TBXML nextSiblingNamed:@"category" searchFromElement:category];
[tbxml release];