



I've implemented autocomplete on an input field, but the box does not show up and firebug returns "this.source is not a function". I've used autocomplete on other fields of the same page without any problems. (two textarea's).

I'm using the following code to debug, same effect if I run from script file or Firebug command line.

var fakedata = ['test1','test2','test3','test4','ietsanders'];

running jquery 1.4.2 and jquery ui 1.8.2, both minified versions.

Does anyone have an idea how autocomplete works fine on the textareas but causes this malfunctioning on inputs?

Error & Stack trace:

this.source is not a function
Line 570
close(Object { name="a"})jquery....min.js (regel 570)
close(Object { name="a"}, Object { name="c"})jquery....min.js (regel 570)
+4  A: 

Answer is that the first parameter of the autocomplete should be an object containing the "source" property. This works

var fakedata = ['test1','test2','test3','test4','ietsanders'];
Jaap Rood
If this is correct, mark the answer as the correct answer.
Dan Diplo

If you were trying to use autocomplete from, it now collides with the autocomplete method in jQuery UI. I had the same problem and later noticed that I could just use the jQuery UI implementation.

(NOTE: It appears that this page's documentation is wrong: http://

B Shelton

As Shelton stated, the version from (1.1.3) collides with jQuery UI (1.8.4). Got it working by making sure the devbridge version loads after jQuery UI's version.

Ivan Mercedes