I'm writing an old school ASCII DOS-Prompt game. Honestly I'm trying to emulate ZZT to learn more about this brand of game design (Even if it is antiquated)
I'm doing well, got my full-screen text mode to work and I can create worlds and move around without problems BUT I cannot find a decent timing method for my renders.
I know my rendering and pre-rendering code is fast because if I don't add any delay()s or (clock()-renderBegin)/CLK_TCK checks from time.h the renders are blazingly fast.
I don't want to use delay() because it is to my knowledge platform specific and on top of that I can't run any code while it delays (Like user input and processing). So I decided to do something like this:
do {
if(kbhit()) {
input = getch();
if(clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC-renderTimer/CLOCKS_PER_SEC > RenderInterval) {
renderTimer = clock();
}while(input != 'p');
Which should in "theory" work just fine. The problem is that when I run this code (setting the RenderInterval to 0.0333 or 30fps) I don't get ANYWHERE close to 30fps, I get more like 18 at max.
I thought maybe I'd try setting the RenderInterval to 0.0 to see if the performance kicked up... it did not. I was (with a RenderInterval of 0.0) getting at max ~18-20fps.
I though maybe since I'm continuously calling all these clock() and "divide this by that" methods I was slowing the CPU down something scary, but when I took the render and ballLogic calls out of the if statement's brackets and set RenderInterval to 0.0 I get, again, blazingly fast renders.
This doesn't make sence to me since if I left the if check in, shouldn't it run just as slow? I mean it still has to do all the calculations
BTW I'm compiling with Borland's Turbo C++ V1.01