



Is it possible to achieve the following in c#...

for the class below...

public class Foo{
 public int BarId{get;set;}
 public string BarString{get;set;}

I want to achieve the following XML:

  <BarId BarString="something">123</BarId>

You should create BarId class which has BarString in it

class BarId
    public string BarString{get;set;}

public class Foo{
 public BarId BarId{get;set;}

Or you can use Custom Serialization mechanism like here

how do you get BarId to behave as an int though?
E Rolnicki
You don't. Looks like you'd need programmatic serialization, not attribute-based.
Steven Sudit
I like to stick with the built-in classes where possible. However, custom serializer overrides are not nearly as intimidating as they first appear. There are a number of places where I use them in production code. They permit a great deal of flexibility, especially when matching external or legacy Xml. Even if you're 99% happy with XmlSerializer, its still worth checking out overrides.
@Tech: Good advice. I'll also toss in the idea that `XmlSerializer` is more or less obsolete due to the WCF `DataContract` attribute.
Steven Sudit
re:WCF, etc. I agree, @Tech, especially if starting a new project, it's worth looking into some of the more recent serialization technologies beyond XmlSerializer.
+1  A: 

ArsenMkrt is on the right track, but is missing the content of the element, I suggest a revised version:

class BarId
    public int Content {get; set;}

    public string BarString {get; set;}

public class Foo{
    public BarId BarId {get; set;}

This way you get the content as an integer.