



In JavaScript, all Objects act a bit like hashmaps. However, the keys to these hashmaps must be strings. If they're not, they're converted with toString(). That means:

var a = {foo: 1};
var b = {bar: 2};
var o = {};
o[a] = 100;
o[b];              // 100
JSON.stringify(o); // '{"[object Object]":100}'

That is, since the toString() of any plain Object is [object Object], they all address the same value.

I'd like to create a hashmap where Objects with the same properties and values address the same value, but objects with different properties or values address different values. That is:

var a = {foo: 1};
var b = {bar: 2, baz: 3};
var c = {baz: 3, bar: 2};
var hash = new Hash();
hash.set(a, 100);
hash.get(b);      // undefined
hash.set(b, 200);
hash.get(b);      // 200
hash.get(c);      // 200

My first instinct was to use JSON.stringify() to turn objects into strings, but:

var hash = {};
var b = {bar: 2, baz: 3};
var c = {baz: 3, bar: 2};
hash[JSON.stringify(b)] = 100
hash[JSON.stringify(b)] // 100
hash[JSON.stringify(c)] // undefined
JSON.stringify(b)       // '{"bar":2,"baz":3}'
JSON.stringify(c)       // '{"baz":3,"bar":2}'

That is, JSON serialization is order-dependent.

Is there a good library or technique to implement a hashmap like this?


Equivalently, is there a good hashing function such that:

hash({foo: 1, bar: 2}) == hash({bar: 2, foo: 1})

You could implement your own class with a toString that ensures an ordering of keys.

That's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Prototype has Hash quite nicely covered

The Prototype's `Hash` implementation will not work to store an arbitrary object as a key, the OP will have exactly the same results that is having now, check the implementation of the [`set` method]( and [this example](
+5  A: 

I would recommend you the jshashtable project from Tim Down.

jshashtable is a good start, but it only works when the key is the exact same object. I want to be able to use a different but equal object (`b` vs. `c` in the code above). Essentially, I need a library which provides a good definition of equality by properties and values.
As would I :). In this case, you'd need a custom `equals` function that compares the properties of two objects, either as a method of your objects or, better, passed into the `Hashtable` constructor: `var objectsEqual = function(o1, o2) { for (var i in o1) { if (o1[i] !== o2[i]) { return false; } } for (i in o2) { if (!(i in o1)) { return false; } } return true; }; var hash = new Hashtable(null, objectsEqual);`
Tim Down
Peeja: jshashtable handles that case when you provide it with your own equality function, as in my comment above (forgive the lack of formatting; comments don't allow any better).
Tim Down
True, that works. For the use I have in mind, I really need to use a `hashCode` approach (for performance). Do you know a good way to hash a JS object by its properties? That's really the heart of my question.
I considered this question when deciding whether to try and implement a default hash function for jshashtable. Really, there's no easy way in JavaScript. You could write a function to extract all the properties in an object into an array of key-value pairs, sort it on property name and then JSONify that, but once you're doing all that in your hashing function you may find that it's more efficient not to use it. A compromise could be to have a hashing function that simply concatenates the object's values for one or two properties that vary a lot between your objects.
Tim Down

jOrder could be modified to treat objects with the same properties (but in different order) as identical when performing an index lookup.

If you have the object {bar: 2, baz: 3, val: 200} in your list, and you've previously put a fitting index on a jOrder table like this:

var table = jOrder(data)
    .index('signature', ['bar', 'baz'], {grouped: true});

Then right now table.where([{bar: 2, baz: 3}])[0].val will return 200, but table.where([{baz: 3, bar: 2}])[0].val won't. It wouldn't take much effort though to make it not depend on the order of properties. Let me know if you're interested and I'll push the fix to GitHub as soon as I can.

Dan Stocker
FYI I submitted the change. The queries above will both return 200 now.
Dan Stocker
+1  A: 

Here's a quick proof-of-concept...

I've hardly tested it at all, and I'm certain that there will be corner-cases that it can't deal with.

Performance will be hideously inefficient because the __createHash function needs to recurse through the members of any objects and then sort them, in order to generate a "hash" that meets your requirements.

HashMap = function() {
    this.get = function(key) {
        var hash = this.__createHash(key);
        return this.__map[hash];

    this.set = function(key, value) {
        var hash = this.__createHash(key);
        this.__map[hash] = value;

    this.__createHash = function(key) {
        switch (typeof key) {
            case 'function':
                return 'function';

            case 'undefined':
                return 'undefined';

            case 'string':
                return '"' + key.replace('"', '""') + '"';

            case 'object':
                if (!key) {
                    return 'null';

                switch (Object.prototype.toString.apply(key)) {
                    case '[object Array]':
                        var elements = [];
                        for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
                        return '[' + elements.join(',') + ']';

                    case '[object Date]':
                        return '#' + key.getUTCFullYear().toString()
                                   + (key.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString()
                                   + key.getUTCDate().toString()
                                   + key.getUTCHours().toString()
                                   + key.getUTCMinutes().toString()
                                   + key.getUTCSeconds().toString() + '#';

                        var members = [];
                        for (var m in key) {
                            members.push(m + '=' + this.__createHash(key[m]));
                        return '{' + members.join(',') + '}';

                return key.toString();

    this.__map = {};
Yeah, it needs some work to be perfomant and bullet-proof, but I think you've got the right idea.
@Peeja: I'm not sure that it can be made performant while still meeting your requirements. Although, depending on your exact needs then perhaps it can be made good enough.