I have a main report which contains user information -- and a subreport that contains multiple items for said user.
Question is, I need the main report to duplicate as many times as necessary for the number of users I feed into the DataSource -- how can I do this, so that it results in one large report (containing multiples of the main report)?
EDIT: Let me re-ask with a specific example (similar to my own): Let's say I want a report for a grocery shopper -- all of the shopper's demographics would be on the main report, however, there needs to be a section (or subreport) for a specific shopping trip containing all items purchased.
NOW, here is the clencher. I need to run this report for many different shopping trips (this also means different shoppers too).
It might even be better to say that this is a "shopping trip" report, which can run for a batch of shopping trips.
FURTHER PROGRESS: How can I get the grouping to work when my data looks like this:
(shoppingTripId, shopperId, shopperName, shoppingDate, itemBought)
1, 1, Chris, July-24-2009, Computer
1, 1, Chris, July-25-2009, Laptop
2, 3, John, June-14-2009, Ipod
2, 3, John, June-14-2009, Television
The report, if all goes well, would look like this:
| Chris ShoppingTripID: 1
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 1
| Anytown, CA 90210
| Computer $999.00
| Laptop $1099.00
| John ShoppingTripID: 2
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 3
| Anytown, CA 90210
| Ipod $999.00
| Television $1099.00
At the moment, I'm getting this:
| Chris ShoppingTripID: 1
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 1
| Anytown, CA 90210
| Chris ShoppingTripID: 1
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 1
| Anytown, CA 90210
| John ShoppingTripID: 2
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 3
| Anytown, CA 90210
| John ShoppingTripID: 2
| 123 Main Street CustomerID: 3
| Anytown, CA 90210
| Computer $999.00
| Laptop $1099.00
| Computer $999.00
| Laptop $1099.00
| Ipod $999.00
| Television $1099.00
| Ipod $999.00
| Television $1099.00